Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

A Report of a Specialty Practice at Tallinn University of Technology

Monday, May 2nd, 2011

It was decided to perform a practice this spring semester. The general aim of a practice is to develop specialty skills, to get experience in some engineering field, to fix knowledge.

The aim of a given specialty practice is to propose a new algorithm model for the single, unified sequential rating. A given report is written in order of an introduction, a process for development of a proposal, a demonstration of an old algorithm model of existing ratings, a proposal of a new algorithm model of the rating and a conclusion being turned to.


An Overview of Temporal Logic at Advanced Course of Applied Logics at Tallinn University of Technology

Saturday, March 12th, 2011

This week was prominent because of a mandatory assignment being completed at university. An overview of Temporal logic was a duty for Advanced Course of Applied Logics. A common notion of a logic is explained. A formal grammar and a difference of expressiveness is addressed. Application techniques and fields for utilization are specified.


Semantic Web Presentation at English for Science at Tallinn University of Technology

Saturday, May 22nd, 2010

The last lesson of the English language was yesterday. It was for the final informative presentation based on reading of specialist literature. The reading was related to the Semantic Web and therefore it was the subject. The purpose was to inform of. I began by introducing the notion of a Web, talked briefly about a range, nature of information and its using. Finally, I had described a model in the Semantic Web and then turned to a conclusion.


Gaming Means Even More – Persuasive Presentation at English for Science at Tallinn University of Technology

Saturday, May 8th, 2010

A persuasive presentation was filled in this Friday evening at university. As a matter of fact it was necessary to make the point of a subject and convince the audience of. The idea was to persuade that gaming means even more. The topic was introduced by highlighting new heights of gaming and arguments about a mixture of emotions and an experience. The advantages were also brought out.


Bucket Sort Algorithm Presentation at Advanced Algorithms and Data Structures at Tallinn University of Technology

Wednesday, May 5th, 2010

This day was for another presentation at university. This time the course is Advanced Algorithms and Data Structures. What is done at the course is explore and discuss different algorithms. I particularly took the Bucket sort algorithm for the presentation.

Consequently, the subject was Sequential and Parallel Bucket Sort. The purpose was to inform of the algorithm. First of all, I generalized a picture for a sorting, talked about places to store data, a method of distribution and sorting algorithms. Then I turned to actual Bucket sort. The final talk was about Sample sort as an alternative to the prior.


An Overview of Automated Theorem Provers at Advanced Course of Applied Logics at Tallinn University of Technology

Wednesday, April 14th, 2010

Today is a due date for presenting a completed assignment at university. The course is Advanced Course of Applied Logics and its mandatory assignment is an overview of Automated Theorem Provers. The meaning of Automated Theorem Provers (ATP) is clarified, if it is known what Automated Theorem Proving means. Particularly, it is the proving of some statement (theorem) on the basis of previously proved (other theorems) or accepted other statements (axioms).


Software and Internet Licences Presentation at English for Science at Tallinn University of Technology

Friday, March 5th, 2010

A practice presentation took place today on Friday evening. It was bloody awful. Nevertheless, I received necessary points and this part of the course is clear now. The subject of the presentation was Software and Internet Licences. The purpose was to give an informal introduction to the subject of licences. I took only a few moments.


Introduction to My Future Practice Presentation at English for Science at Tallinn University of Technology

Friday, February 19th, 2010

Ultimately, I passed through and successfully completed the Preparatory Course for English for Science and Research. It happened. Now I have an actual course for English for Science.

As a usual student learning English this spring semester, I have to make some practice presentation at the course start. Today at English for Science I introduced a subject of my future practice presentation.


Programming Languages Presentation at Preparatory Course for English for Science and Research at Tallinn University of Technology

Thursday, November 19th, 2009

Yesterday I gave a presentation at a lesson of the English language. It took place in the evening at the end of the lesson. As a student of Tallinn University of Technology, I was failed in a compliance to an English test, so now it is necessary to attend the Preparatory Course for English for Science and Research. In order to pass an examination, it is needed of a few tasks and the one of those tasks is the presentation.
