Posts Tagged ‘Licences’

Software and Internet Licences Presentation at English for Science at Tallinn University of Technology

Friday, March 5th, 2010

A practice presentation took place today on Friday evening. It was bloody awful. Nevertheless, I received necessary points and this part of the course is clear now. The subject of the presentation was Software and Internet Licences. The purpose was to give an informal introduction to the subject of licences. I took only a few moments.


Introduction to My Future Practice Presentation at English for Science at Tallinn University of Technology

Friday, February 19th, 2010

Ultimately, I passed through and successfully completed the Preparatory Course for English for Science and Research. It happened. Now I have an actual course for English for Science.

As a usual student learning English this spring semester, I have to make some practice presentation at the course start. Today at English for Science I introduced a subject of my future practice presentation.
